Monday, 14 November 2011

Its been so long.

Hi all.
Sorry I havent posted in a while Ive only just managed to get myself together so to speak.Well as you may have guess our baby girl arrived on the 4th of September 2011 16 days late after being induced, the labor was about two hours long. Everything was great untill about an hour after my labor my OCD took a bad turn. I suddenly daw everything as a danger to my baby including myself. When I got home ot was even worse I loved my baby so much but kept having intrusive thoughts,it was a living hell.After a few days I admitted myself to Qmc mother and baby unit to get sorted. After staying in for about two weeks my Dr said I was suffering from pure O and started me on meds. That was 7 weeks ago and I still get intrusive thoughts but my mood has inproved but its still hell. I just gota learn the thoughts arnt me its OCD.

Thanks for reading
